Saturday, March 10, 2012

Silly Saturday Find...An Adult Sippy Cup!

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Have you ever been sitting there watching tv distracted go to reach for you cup.  And then splash!  That’s the sound of liquid that is now becoming one with your end table.  Which always surprises me how quickly it makes its way to the floor.  Personally I feel like a 4 year old.  Thought I could use a big girl cup but apparently I can’t!  I’m not the only person in my house that has an issue with this so let me not take all the credit ;) So cruising the internet I came across an adult sippy cup!  I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or bust out my wallet!  For $8 plus shipping you can own this adult sippy cup.  It’s tough to say whether this would be the new to-go cup I would take out with me (since it’s glass!) but in another sense it’s like why didn’t I think of that!  And what sippy cup wouldn’t be better than one on sale!  I’m still debating if we should order one to try I don’t have very many mason jars in my house, who are we kidding I don’t have any!  But I just envision myself driving to Wal-Mart and getting lured into buying mason jars!  I’d love to know if you have used one or are planning on using one.  I’m still intrigued!  Inquiring mind want to know!

This adult sippy cup made me think of this picture I saw online:

Have a great rest of the day!  

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