Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Rolls

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So I was browsing around on pinterest and saw a picture of pepperoni rolls.  Which I’m a huge fan of!  Unfortunately, I either have to buy them overpriced and pre-made at Kroger or order from a local Italian restaurant.  After I clicked on the pinterest picture I found this original recipe here.  I made a few changes with the amount of pepperonis used and the top sprinkling I changed.           

Ingredients for rolls:
2 can refrigerated crescent rolls
2 packages of pepperoni slices
8 pieces mozzarella string cheese (cut in half)
1 jar of pizza sauce

Ingredients for topping (adjust amount to your taste preference):
2 tablespoons 0il (Whatever kind you prefer olive, canola, etc.)
2 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning

1.     Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 
2.   Unroll the crescent rolls into triangles on wax paper. 
3.    Top each crescent roll with 7 pieces of pepperoni (4 close to the top then 3 laying over them).
4.  Put a piece of string cheese on top of the pepperonis (remember to cut the sticks in half).
5.    Roll up the crescents (tuck the corners to keep all the cheese from oozing out).
6.   Place on a baking sheet (I put aluminum foil down so I have less mess). 
7.    In a cup mix oil, garlic and Italian seasoning.
8.    Brush oil mix on top of crescent rolls.
9.   Bake for about for 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown.  Mine only take 13 minutes to complete.
10.Plate and serve with pizza sauce for dipping.


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